Stephen's Meandering Missives

Busy Week

Cover Image for Busy Week
This is a post migrated from my previous blog.

This week has been quite busy, with orientation meetings and paperwork to complete.

Still hot and humid, though thankfully we were able to get the A/C working in my room not too long after my last post.

The campus is about a 20 minute walk from the dorms, so I'm getting in alot of walking lately. I may consider investing in a bike, but we'll have to see about that. A bike helmet is one of the things I forgot to bring with me. šŸ˜…

Above is a shot of the fountain in an open courtyard on campus.

The building in the background is the main administration building for this campus. Both Japanese and international students come to this campus. To the right of this picture is the Center for International Education (CIE), where most of the Admin and Faculty for the Asian Studies Program have their offices.

To the left is the library and what is referred to as the "Multimedia Hall," where alot of the aforementioned meetings are taking place. A trip to Kyoto is planned for this Friday. I'm hoping to participate in that, and bring back lots of pictures. Anyway, bye for now, until my next post. šŸ˜„

ā€“ Stephen